Working towards creating a Healthier, more Prosperous and Sustainable Society.

Together, We Can Build A Healthier More Equitable Society

Primary Healthcare Services
Primary Healthcare Services
We strive to provide basic medical care such as diagnosis, treatment, prevention of common illnesses, and immunisation services.
Health Cooperative
Health Cooperative
Our community is empowered to take control of their healthcare. Our members are patients and providers, pooling their resources for accessible, affordable, high-quality care.

Happy clients who trust Dechi-Htf

What our clients are saying

They provide high-quality healthcare services in remote rural areas, prioritising affordability and equity while leveraging technology to improve healthcare delivery.

Alhaji Yahaya
Benefactor of Dechi-HTF

Dechihtf holds itself accountable to the highest standards, with honesty and integrity at the core of everything they do. They also ensure transparency and openness in all their interactions and decisions, fostering trust and confidence in patients, staff, and partners.

Mrs Danjuma
Health Practicioner

Dech-HTF continuously offers various women’s health services, including antenatal care, contraceptive use and education, and maternal and child health services.

Mrs Faith

They leverage technology to connect health professionals globally and provide consultations, diagnosis and treatment to patients in underserved areas.

Mr Sam